A MoGrafika projekt két designer, Szombati Klára és Gombocz Tamás munkáinak és ötleteinek bemutatását szolgálja.
A szakmában eddig eltöltött 10 évünk alatt a legkülönfélébb feladatokkal találkoztunk, elsősorban a Carbon Group Reklámügynökség (jelenlegi munkahelyunk) grafikusaiként, másrészt iskolai és design versenyeknek köszönhetően. Kedvenc munkáink közé tartozik az arculattervezés, amely a legnagyobb kihívás a grafika területén. Hiszen az arculatok kialakításánál nemcsak megtalálni kell az ötletet, hanem párosítani is egy nagy adag kreativitással.
Partners of MoGrafika say that we are very accurate and enthusiastic. They like working with us, because we give various solutions for one task and we know how to meet their preferencies with the latest design trends.MoGrafika is a tinyMoGrafika is a tiny graphic design studio based in Budapest, Hungary. Founded in 2011 by two design addicts, Klara Szombati and Tamas Gombocz.
We have more than 10 years experience in graphic design as freelancers and also by working for advertising agencies. During those years we have taken part in many various projects, but what we really adore to create is corporate designs. Making a logo is the major challenge in designing. You have to find the idea, match it with a big cup of creativity and than draw and draw until you can’t change any of the pieces, because it had became perfect. And we really like this state of perfection.
Partners of MoGrafika say that we are very accurate and enthusiastic. They like working with us, because we give various solutions for one task and we know how to meet their preferencies with the latest design trends.graphic design studio based in Budapest, Hungary. Founded in 2011 byMoGrafika is a tiny graphic design studio based in Budapest, Hungary. Founded in 2011 by two design addicts, Klara Szombati and Tamas Gombocz.
We have more than 10 years experience in graphic design as freelancers and also by working for advertising agencies. During those years we have taken part in many various projects, but what we really adore to create is corporate designs. Making a logo is the major challenge in designing. You have to find the idea, match it with a big cup of creativity and than draw and draw until you can’t change any of the pieces, because it had became perfect. And we really like this state of perfection.
Partners of MoGrafika say that we are very accurate and enthusiastic. They like working with us, because we give various solutions for one task and we know how to meet their preferencies with the latest design trends.two design addicts, Klara Szombati and Tamas Gombocz.
We have more than 10 years experience in graphic design as freelancers and also by working for advertising agencies. During those years we have taken part in many various projects, but what we really adore to create is corporate designs. Making a logo is the major challenge in designing. You have to find the idea, match it with a big cup of creativity and than draw and draw until you can’t change any of the pieces, because it had became perfect. And we really like this state of perfection.
Partners of MoGrafika say that we are very accurate and enthusiastic. They like working with us, because we give various solutions for one task and we know how to meet their preferencies with the latest design trends.